Whatever it is your company does, it probably possesses a lot more valuable assets than you realise. What would happen if you experienced a loss, fire or break-in? Let's keep it straightforward: when you close up for the day, a laptop gets stolen out of a window by a sophisticated thief. Instantly, problems arise for example: which specification was it? Do you have the invoice? What accessories was it equipped with?
These questions become increasingly difficult depending on the item, or the scale of the break-in. Could you imagine describing everything in your office, workshop or van purely off of memory?
This is where Proova comes in.
First things first, register on our app where we will ID you and your business. The next step is to take pictures of all your valuable work equipment, IT, tools, furniture and assets including stock.
All this data is geocoded and verified by AI. The images and data are saved in a vault in case the worst happens.