
Proova for Insurers


Claims Reinvented

Man carrying stack of paperwork

Claims, Claims, Claims...

Insurance is risky business. And it's made worse by fraud and administration. Post claim administration creates more complaints than any other insurance customer service issue. Get a claim wrong and the admin piles up from loss adjusters, a general mistrust in the insurance bargain and human factors outside of your control.


Almost all of these factors can be managed or removed using Proova technology.

The Risk...

Proova manages all of those claims risks up front so there are no surprises.

As an insurance partner you get access to every policyholder's asset register. This means you know your customer, you know what they have and where they had it at the point of policy inception. In addition, latest updates are added which allows you to have the estimated insured value and unique Proova Score.

Thanks to Proova, your claims handlers will automatically know the validity of the claim, the policyholder is who they say they are and are able to receive a verified inventory, damage reports and video within minutes of a claim.

Man turning needle down on risk gauge
Office team celebrating


  • From ZERO additional cost per policy
  • Remove 90% of loss adjusting fees
  • Prevent underinsured disputes
  • Access risks are ordinarily considered too risky such as motor trade or self-drive hire
  • Know the actual value of assets under assurance
  • Save time and money on claims

Watch the Insurance Company Explainer

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